Sunday, March 14, 2010

North East Run 2010

My first race of the year. It didn't start off too well though. I was in 2 minds about signing up for this. Have not been running a lot, average weekly mileage was only 30km since the start of the year and there were very few runs of more than 10km. The few I did was all sightseeing run at pace of 7.30 to 8/min per km so I was sure I was going to suffer if I do this. But then, I was offered a free slot and that sounds good enough for me to sign. But things took a little turn and the free slot came with a string attached ~ had to pay for it first and claim back the money later! What the &()_#! Anyway didn't want to be seen as so petty so went ahead. And then the race route was released and shit, the route goes into the Tampines heartland and comes with 7 overhead bridges to tackle and plenty of road junctions. Really regret big time. And came race pack collection day and still no news of the race pack collection for me. M collected hers in a jiffy while I had to wait with no clue what was going on. Came Friday and still no news! An email and a reply later, I had to make a special trip to Novena Velocity to collect on Saturday afternoon, a waste of my time!

The hiccups continued on race day. Was deliberating whether to drive there or take a train seeing that it was just Pasir Ris and 2 stations away. In the end, laziness won and we drove there targeting to reach at 6.15am and have a short stroll to the start point as a sort of warm up. Of course things never come out as planned and 1 carpark after another was full and I had to keep circling carparks after another before managing to find space at one nearer to Elias Road than Pasir Ris Central. And sure enough, by the time we could see the start line, we could also hear the horn went off. So throw in a late start to add to the woes.

Never mind, I was determined to enjoy myself and not going to let anything spoil my mood. I was going to get a PB no sweat, no matter what happened. Ha ha ha since this being my first 16km race, any timing I get was gonna be a PB! Actually of course I never approach any race without setting some sort of target for myself. After all, one of the reason I sign up for races is to use it to gauge myself on my current level of fitness and how to do that without setting some standards? So I have a very modest target 1 hour 36 minutes or 6 min/km. I figured with all the traffic lights and overhead bridge and my current level of fitness, hitting this target will be challenging enough.

Despite my late start, there were still a lot of  runners and there was a big jam along the earlier part of the route from Tampines Park Connector along the Pasir Town Park to the TPE. Noticed some ladies running along. Hmm thought there was a ladies wave? Got stopped at the first traffic light at Pasir Ris Drive 1. Not a good omen. Was this a sign of more stoppages? After crossing the road, while everybody took the right park connector, decided to have some free space for myself and cross over the canal to the left and ran alone before joining up with the runners who crossed the bridge over the canal. First overhead bridge over the TPE and then some ladies came flying along shouting "keep left". Roonz was one of the ladies. Thought she too started with the guys but turned out they were the front runners for the ladies wave. Sighed, that showed how slow I was.

Fortunately, aside from the 1 traffic stop at Pasir Ris, surprisingly despite the many road junctions, there was no more stoppages although I could see some impatient motorists horning away at some of the slip road. The overhead bridges wasn't too bad also. Although I still felt they were not necessary, it nevertheless gave me a chance to catch my breathe. Had my first drink at the water point along Tampines Avenue 6. 5 Km and time on my watch 30:37. Hmm more or less within target. Was going to skip the next water point at Tampines Ave 8 but skidded to a stop when saw that they had 100plus. The first few returning male runners came along with Mok Yin Ren leading the pack. Gary, my team captain was among the leading runners but unfortunately, certainly too far to be in contention for top 3.

Into Temasek Poly and I ran into Jensen, a fellow RL run leader. He, like me, has been slacking big time and complaining of no energy. He is hoping to do 1:30. Told him it was still possible if he continues this pace and run faster for the last 5 km. I touched 8km at 47:36 mins. So far so good. We split way later and after another climb over the overhead bridge outside the Poly, I was on the return leg.Yeah! Bummed into a neighbour along Tampines Avenue 3, exchanged a hi and continued on my way. 10km 59:18. Ha on my way to a PB and target!

Now that I finally warmed up, picked up the pace a little. Started running a wee bit faster - trying to avoid the fast rising sun. Crossed the overhead bridge on Tampines Ave 5, down the park connector, one more overhead bridge and Pasir Ris! Was wondering how the route was going to be after that, the route map wasn't too clear and there was supposed to be 1 more overhead bridge along Pasir Ris Dr 1 to tackle although I was quite sure there was no overhead bridge along Pasir Ris Dr 1. To my surprise though, we were waved back to Pasir Ris Town Park and ran along the Park Connector back to the finish. Heck, wasn't there supposed to be another check point along Drive 1? Will I get a DNQ? But everybody was running the same route so just press on. Finish time on my watch: 1:27:06 which means I more than hit my target which means I did the last 6km in 27:46mins? Errr I did pick up the pace a little but definitely not by such a big margin which means the total distance is only ............. (I leave it for you guys to fill:)

Back at the finish point, as with all semi- government organised events, there were games, (too bad I didn't win anything), free banana, drinks and ice cream! And of course a medal. No milo though:)  The sun was out in full force by then so we did a quick retreat after chitchatting with a few friends and taking some group photos. Did not stay for the lucky draw. Did I win anything?


  1. Hi,
    I chanced upon your blog and see that we have participated in few of the same races! :) I ran the North East run yesterday and like you was driving around in circles trying to find parking. By the time I made it to the start line it was already 7:05AM !!

    Also wanted to ask you, how do you get the Running calendar, Running stats etc sidebar on your blog?


  2. Hi Mahesh, thank for dropping by. The calendar is from the Google calendar. The running stats is from this website You just need to paste the html link into one of the layout's gadget box of your blog.

  3. Yo, that you mentioned it, the last 6KM was really kind of___ (you filled up the rest.)...haha. Enjoyed the run, but hated the overhead bridges...

    Say, how did you motivate yourself to run so often?:)

  4. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

