Good Friday 14 April 2006 Time: 7.00 am MacRitchie Reservoir Sgrunners 1st ever Boi Boi Ger Ger trail run. Wah, mahchiam sound likes SDU organised event so what the _ _ _ _ am I and my Mrs, both confirmed not qualify doing there with the young little kids?
Anyway, there was a big turnout - one of the biggest sgrunners group turnout with many new faces and certainly 90% eligible for match making (including those attached but no ROM cert). Than again got ROM cert also can qualify... just need to use the big 'D' word, right?
The ladies started off towards the Little Sister Home side (ha - they got the rotten deal - more upslopes there) and the guys towards the zigzag bridge. I was in the toilet when the big Boss flagged off the run. By the time I came out, can only smell the fumes of the cars in the car park. Playing catching up so early really no joke - finally caught up with the last man at the 1st fitness corner. Lots of new faces - all running very strongly.

At the landslide, a few of us took the detour. When we reached the ranger station, the ger gers were there and so were the rest of the boi boi. Where did they materialise from? They played cheat and bashed through the landslide! In the tradition of all sgrun, stopped for the obligatory group photo. Then the chekopeh boiboi decided to follow the gerger. What happened to boiboi run one direction ger ger another? Must be all of the gerger in heat!
Decided since I am married and unavailable, to run my own separate way. A new guy, roengten came along with me. We decided to run the original route but when we came to Venus Rd, since he has never run on killer hill, decided to bring him on an introductory run - so off we went to Pierce Res before returning to MacRitchie via Thomson Rd.

Back at MacRitchie, most of the sgrunners are already back. DO, Dream, Kops came later - had cross path with them earlier along the SICC ground just after Upp Pierce and finally Bee with Suanxjing who is still fighting to recover from a ankle injury (she shouldn't have do trail today - hopefully she didn't aggravate the injury). More group photos before calling it a day - some straight home and some for makan at Adam Rd.
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